Advanced Soft aims to create relationships that make clients say
「I'm glad」through our services.
Through our community development activities, we provide the things that「nice to have」
and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
We hold a free programming class that is open to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or disability. The class is held once a month, and around 10 children participate each time.
By helping many children acquire programming skills, we aim to contribute to building the foundation for future technological industries.
We hold events for students every summer and winter. These events range from easy-to-understand lectures for those with no prior IT experience to more specialized topics such as IoT × web system development.
We tailor the content to suit each person's needs. By helping students gain knowledge about IT and our company, we aim to contribute to their future career choices.
We collect used books and send them to employment facilities for people with disabilities. The books are cleaned at these facilities and then sold to those in need. The proceeds from the sales go towards the wages of the individuals working at the facility.
Through the activities of JobBon, we contribute to both the reuse of books and the employment support for people with disabilities.
JobBon Introduction Page